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Recensioni di FreshBooks e dettagli del prodotto

Panoramica di FreshBooks
Cos'è FreshBooks?

FreshBooks è un software di contabilità basato su cloud preferito da numerose piccole e medie imprese per la sua capacità di gestire e semplificare facilmente le finanze. Le funzionalità principali includono monitoraggio e fatturazione costosi e aiutano anche a migliorare la trasparenza operativa attraverso funzionalità di reporting e monitoraggio del tempo.

Azienda 2ndSite Inc. dba FreshBooks
Anno di fondazione 2003
Dimensione aziendale dipendenti 201-500
LEGALE Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Media sociali
Categorie FreshBooks attive Findstack
Fai domande su FreshBooks
Per cosa è meglio FreshBooks?
Come si confronta FreshBooks con Xero?
Quali sono i pro e i contro di FreshBooks?
Dettagli del prodotto FreshBooks
Piccola impresa
Mercato medio
Distribuzione Cloud/SaaS/basato sul Web, Mac desktop, Windows desktop, Android mobile, iPad mobile, iPhone mobile, Linux on-premise
Formazione Documentazione
Le Lingue English
Pro e contro di FreshBooks
  • Il piano Lite è ottimo per le startup (include 5 clienti fatturabili)
  • Puoi tenere traccia di spese illimitate e inviare preventivi illimitati
  • I clienti possono pagarti usando le carte di credito
  • Personalizzazione della fattura limitata
  • L'app mobile potrebbe utilizzare miglioramenti
Funzionalità di FreshBooks
È possibile pagare per questi account
Contabilità Clienti
Audit Trail
Promemoria automatici
Riconciliazione bancaria
Fatturazione e fatturazione
Budget e previsioni
Gestione della conformità
Gestione dei Clienti
Rapporti personalizzabili
Cruscotti e analisi
Importazione / esportazione dei dati
Monitoraggio delle spese
Rapporto finanziario
Gestione cespiti
Libro Mastro Generale
Integrazione con app di terze parti
Gestione magazzino
Mobile Access
Gestione del libro paga
Contabilità del progetto
Ordini d'acquisto
Fatturazione ricorrente
Riconoscimento dei ricavi
Ordini di vendita
Gestione fiscale
Monitoraggio del tempo e delle spese
Vendor Management
Supporti FreshBooks
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Schermate di FreshBooks
Negazione di responsabilità
La nostra ricerca è curata da diverse fonti autorevoli e intende offrire consigli generali. Non garantiamo che i nostri suggerimenti funzioneranno al meglio per ciascun caso d'uso, quindi considera le tue esigenze specifiche quando scegli prodotti e servizi. Sentiti libero di condividere il tuo feedback.
Ultimo aggiornamento: settembre 11, 2024
Logo FreshBooks
681 FreshBooks Recensioni
4.5 su 5
Piccole imprese (50 o meno dipendenti)
Febbraio 02, 2024
Valutazione complessiva:
Dave J.
"Ottimo sistema per le piccole imprese"
Cosa ti piace di più di FreshBooks?

Freshbooks is intuitive and easy to use. I can easily track my time and spending. It's a reliable program. Their customer service has been very good. It's easy to write and track invoices. I do recommend this product to other small businesses.

Cosa non ti piace di FreshBooks?

I can't think of any downsides. I really appreciate using Freshbooks.

Quali problemi sta risolvendo FreshBooks e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

It helps me organize all my time, spending, and accounts receivable.

Piccole imprese (50 o meno dipendenti)
Gennaio 30, 2024
Valutazione complessiva:
Avatar di Joan C
Joan C.
Progettazione e consulenza grafica e web
"Ottima app per il monitoraggio del tempo e la fatturazione"
Cosa ti piace di più di FreshBooks?

I love being able to track my time for each project, and later be able to quickly add that to an invoice. Easy to track clients and projects, and to set prices for different situations.

Cosa non ti piace di FreshBooks?

My biggest frustration is with the iOS version of the app -- while the computer/browser version is great, it's not possible to look at the time tracking on the smart phone. Every month I'm asked (while away from my computer) "how many hours do you estimate for project X this month?" and I cannot anser that without going to the browser version (yes, I can do that on my phone, but then why have the phone app?).

Quali problemi sta risolvendo FreshBooks e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

I am able to keep clear records of the time spent on every project and for every client. Since my business is practically all billed by the hour, this is invaluable. I love being able to click "start" when I start my time on a project, and pause or end it as needed. I'm not a clock-watcher, so this really helps me know just how much time I'm putting into a project. FreshBooks also has the ability to charge different fees for differnt projects, clients and/or activities. This is also invaluable, since I use differnt rates depending on the job parameters. Their support team has always been knowledgeable and usually quick to respond to any issues I've had.

Piccole imprese (50 o meno dipendenti)
Gennaio 27, 2024
Valutazione complessiva:
Kimberly S.
"Un salvavita per una nuova impresa"
Cosa ti piace di più di FreshBooks?

As a new business owner, keeping track of invoicing, payments, bills, and taxes is important. FreshBooks has a very easy user interface and has made the administrative part of my business life regarding financial things so much easier. My accounting representative reviews my books and helps me keep everything categorized properly.

Cosa non ti piace di FreshBooks?

I did have to obtain a separate tax professional, but I used a partner company, Bench, and that has proven to be a great idea. I have not found anything to dislike it and have been using FreshBooks since July 2023.

Quali problemi sta risolvendo FreshBooks e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

All of my invoicing and payments are matched, so I never lose track of money owed to my company. My business accounts are connected, and I can easily categorize business expenses from company bank accounts and credit cards. I know exactly what the financial status of my company is. As my books were perfect, the tax professional was able to review things after the New Year to see what needed to be fixed, and nothing did. All I need do is submit tax forms from clients, etc. and it will be done.

Piccole imprese (50 o meno dipendenti)
Gennaio 27, 2024
Valutazione complessiva:
Tom R.
"Ottimo prodotto per le startup"
Cosa ti piace di più di FreshBooks?

The estimate and proposal features makes it easy to quote jobs and then convert to an invoice when the customer accepts.

Cosa non ti piace di FreshBooks?

I wish there was a library of Terms that could be easily applied to invoices.

Quali problemi sta risolvendo FreshBooks e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

I needed an easy way to create professional invoices in the field and show progress payments. Freshbooks was the best answer!

Piccole imprese (50 o meno dipendenti)
Gennaio 26, 2024
Valutazione complessiva:
Andi L.
"Da oltre dieci anni amo FreshBooks!"
Cosa ti piace di più di FreshBooks?

I love the client/contractor integration. It is very user friendly for my business, particularly as we have grown since 2013. FreshBooks also has the best customer support. They treat every question thoughtfully and make sure I understand the answer.

Cosa non ti piace di FreshBooks?

I am still learning the upgraded version and definitely miss parts of the classic version of FreshBooks - however I am still in love with FreshBooks!

Quali problemi sta risolvendo FreshBooks e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

I need continuity regarding seeing which contractors my clients have interacted with over time. I'm not sure I would be able to track that information without having something like the FreshBooks system.

Piccole imprese (50 o meno dipendenti)
Gennaio 26, 2024
Valutazione complessiva:
avatar di Laura A
Laura A.
Organizzatore residenziale professionale e presidente di Abell Organizing
"Freshbooks è fantastico"
Cosa ti piace di più di FreshBooks?

I started a professional residential organizing business 13 years ago and have been using Freshbooks since the beginning. I love the ability to easily keep up with my invoices and accounting every day as I work with my clients. The tech support is awesome and at the end of the year I just pass the reports on to my accountant for super easy tax prep.

Cosa non ti piace di FreshBooks?

Honestly I love everything about Freshbooks

Quali problemi sta risolvendo FreshBooks e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

Freshbooks makes it super easy to keep up with my expenses and invoices.

Piccole imprese (50 o meno dipendenti)
Gennaio 26, 2024
Valutazione complessiva:
avatar di Sue B
Sue B.
Copywriter a risposta diretta
"FreshBooks mi ha aiutato a portare la mia attività al livello successivo"
Cosa ti piace di più di FreshBooks?

There are so many things I like about FreshBooks, it's difficult to say what I like best about it. If I had to narrow it down to one thing I would say it's their phenomenal support. Whenever I have a question, whether it be big or small, I love the fact that I can call a number and reach a real person quickly. Support is always friendly and knowledgable. They've helped me out of a jam more than a few times.

Cosa non ti piace di FreshBooks?

There is not much bad I can say about FreshBooks, however I think they could add a few more features that might make it more attractive to freelancers. I think it would be great to have a way that I could create payment buttons to put on my website.

Quali problemi sta risolvendo FreshBooks e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

FreshBooks has made tax time so much easier. I use it to import all of my banking information so it's a great way to keep track of all my spending. Then I categorize my spending into categories that are congruent with my expense categories that I use when I file my taxes. Anything that is a personal expense, not related to business, I put in a personal category. This helps me to keep running totals of all my business expenses and keeps them "separate" from personal expenses.

Piccole imprese (50 o meno dipendenti)
Novembre 02, 2023
Valutazione complessiva:
Avatar di Tracey Lizsa M
TraceyLizsa M.
"Programma eccellente per il costo!"
Cosa ti piace di più di FreshBooks?

Easy to use No learning curve App for the phone is excellent (scanning receipts) Creating invoices is simple Tracking and sorting expenses is easy

Cosa non ti piace di FreshBooks?

Reporting function isn't as robust as Quickbooks BUT it is a quarter of the cost!

Quali problemi sta risolvendo FreshBooks e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

Invoicing to customers, expense tracking and revenue reporting. An overall financial management program.

Mercato medio (51-1000 dipendenti)
Settembre 05, 2023
Valutazione complessiva:
avatar di Andrew L
Andrew L.
Analista senior di strategia/assistente del consiglio di amministrazione
"eccellente software di contabilità"
Cosa ti piace di più di FreshBooks?

It has team collaboration tools so all remarks to the projects or business objectives could be times and referred during reporting cycle. Fresh Books also have build in time tracking tool which is important for small teams. It works very fast and stores reliably data. Has good options for creating reports and estimates. FB has good mobile app.

Cosa non ti piace di FreshBooks?

More people should know about that awesome accounting software! Good to have more integrations with postal and freight services to track goods in transit and use barcodes. Payments feature is good to be expanded on international neobanks gateways to use worldwide not only export in bank for swift.

Quali problemi sta risolvendo FreshBooks e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

We use it for project who has own expences balance. It works reliable and no will to change on another. We can rise from mid to large sized company in one accounting system, that matter and reduces errors.

Mercato medio (51-1000 dipendenti)
16 agosto 2023
Valutazione complessiva:
Nikki H.
Supervisore dell'account
"Una straordinaria piattaforma per gestire le mie finanze in modo semplice e organizzato"
Cosa ti piace di più di FreshBooks?

I love this tool because it is easy to use, it helps me with the accounting of my small business and best of all is that I do not have to have great knowledge of the subject, what I like most about FreshBooks is its ability to create and manage custom invoices, it integrates seamlessly with accounts like PayPal which facilitates even more online payments, it is amazing the control that keeps track of expenses allowing me to keep up with the profits and losses of my company. I consider that for not having any experience in accounting this tool has been a great help. It does most of the work, so if you are in a bind this platform will always be a great option,

Cosa non ti piace di FreshBooks?

Overall I find it to be very comprehensive and very useful for my company which is small, however for much larger companies it does not offer all the features you might need, nor is it as powerful as other accounting software.

Quali problemi sta risolvendo FreshBooks e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

Having FreshBooks has provided me with a better management of my company's finances as it keeps track of cats, and has helped me in an easy way to understand accounting, I have saved me a lot of time as I don't have to spend time on recurring customer invoices every month because FreshBooks does it automatically, and overall it is a tool worth having.

Mercato medio (51-1000 dipendenti)
02 giugno 2023
Valutazione complessiva:
Wendy W.
"Recensione FreshBooks"
Cosa ti piace di più di FreshBooks?

Freshbooks is easy to use, and have built in dasboard, accounting feature, and allows us to generate more than thousands of invocices each month. We can mail out invoices or have e-invoice email to our customers

Cosa non ti piace di FreshBooks?

I like Freshbooks, which allows our customers to be to login to the invoice, print them, look at history, pay by various method, including check, PAYPAL, Stripe, Wepay or via Bank transfer.

Quali problemi sta risolvendo FreshBooks e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

It can setup as recurring invoices and we just need to set it up the first time and tell Freshbooks to either email or print out the invoice and mail to the customers.

Piccole imprese (50 o meno dipendenti)
31 Maggio 2023
Valutazione complessiva:
Christian M.
"Ottimo software per chi usa il metodo KISS"
Cosa ti piace di più di FreshBooks?

Freshbooks helps keep things simple. With it's easy to use platform I'm able to quickly send quotes, invoices, and track my expenses in one easy format.

Cosa non ti piace di FreshBooks?

With the simplicity and ease of use it definitely is limited in its ability to fully paint a picture. If you are more financially inclined or have a larger business, this doesn't give you a deep deep dive into how the company is preforming

Quali problemi sta risolvendo FreshBooks e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

It's allowing us an easy solution to send out bills quotes and estimates without having to put in too much time... as a small business owner this is key when time and resources are limited.

Piccole imprese (50 o meno dipendenti)
08 Maggio 2023
Valutazione complessiva:
Anne M.
"Facile da usare"
Cosa ti piace di più di FreshBooks?

I love how simple Freshbooks is to keep track of your company's bookkeeping and invoicing.

Cosa non ti piace di FreshBooks?

I wish it let you customize the invoices more.

Quali problemi sta risolvendo FreshBooks e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

Tracking time spent on projects and helping to invoice clients accurately

Piccole imprese (50 o meno dipendenti)
APRILE 10, 2023
Valutazione complessiva:
Michelle B.
"Il modo più semplice per tenere traccia"
Cosa ti piace di più di FreshBooks?

I love freshbooks because it helps me to stay organized while I am working, I can time track for all of my different clients in one convenient space and send them invoices from the same area.

Cosa non ti piace di FreshBooks?

I wish that the first tier of accounts was 10 contracts instead of 5.

Quali problemi sta risolvendo FreshBooks e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

Freshbooks has helped me to easily keep tabs on every clients time that I spend.

Piccole imprese (50 o meno dipendenti)
Febbraio 07, 2023
Valutazione complessiva:
Avatar di Jeremy N
Jeremy N.
"FreshBooks mantiene aggiornata la contabilità per le piccole agenzie"
Cosa ti piace di più di FreshBooks?

It was helpful to get us up and running with an online estimating/invoicing solution.

Cosa non ti piace di FreshBooks?

We outgrew it after a few years. That's all. Otherwise it was really a great system.

Quali problemi sta risolvendo FreshBooks e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

Like I said before, it gave us the opportunity to turn to the cloud for our accounting setup.

Piccole imprese (50 o meno dipendenti)
Gennaio 15, 2023
Valutazione complessiva:
Joe F.
Direttore Creativo
"Questo non è QuickBooks... "
Cosa ti piace di più di FreshBooks?

The best thing I like about Freshbooks, is that it is not QuickBooks.

Cosa non ti piace di FreshBooks?

The invoice layouts are limited and could be better.

Quali problemi sta risolvendo FreshBooks e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

I am able to invoice, track expenses, track time, organize by project, accept payments, manage accounting tasks, and reports.

Piccole imprese (50 o meno dipendenti)
Novembre 20, 2022
Valutazione complessiva:
Khurram M.
"Recensione FreshBooks"
Cosa ti piace di più di FreshBooks?

Very flexible, simple navigation, easy to understand workflow, best for sending estimates and invoices. Excellent customer support as well.

Cosa non ti piace di FreshBooks?

No built-in payroll module. In the US it integrates with external apps like Gusto and in Canada with the Payment Evolution.

Quali problemi sta risolvendo FreshBooks e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

With its features like project creation, team collaboration, and time tracking it has increased the speed and visibility of the status of each project my team is working on. Clients can be billed accurately and auto-payment reminders can be set up as well.

Azienda (> 1000 dip.)
Settembre 11, 2022
Valutazione complessiva:
Avatar di Sonal D
Sonale D.
Responsabile di progetto
"FreshBooks è il tuttofare poiché riunisce contabilità, fatturazione e fatturazione sotto lo stesso tetto."
Cosa ti piace di più di FreshBooks?

Ability to create and manage customized invoices is what I like best about FreshBooks. FreshBooks integrates seamlessly with PayPal hence enhancing ease of accepting online payments. Expense tracking and managing is well done using this tool. Profit and loss reports can be generated quickly hence possible to know the status of our organization.

Cosa non ti piace di FreshBooks?

FreshBooks makes accounting and bookkeeping activities to look more simple and I got nothing to comment as negative vibe.

Quali problemi sta risolvendo FreshBooks e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

Bills can be processed and managed more efficiently with FreshBooks. It's simple to track and manage cash transactions with this tool.

Piccole imprese (50 o meno dipendenti)
31 agosto 2022
Valutazione complessiva:
Lauren H.
"Eccellente software di contabilità e fatturazione per piccole imprese"
Cosa ti piace di più di FreshBooks?

I love the ease of use and the way all my clients are saved in Freshbooks. I've used it for over 10 years and have all my client data stored there. I frequently look back at my old billing history to see how I've changed my packages and pricing over the years. Saved items are also a huge help -- it's like a menu of services that are saved and can be reused on invoices over and over again, making sending a new proposal/invoice to a new client a cinch.

Cosa non ti piace di FreshBooks?

There isn't much to dislike. They've added signatures for proposals, which saves me having to have a HelloSign or AdobeSign license. Their customer support is amazing.

Quali problemi sta risolvendo FreshBooks e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

FB saves me so much time. I don't meddle with Excel spreadsheets and each quarter I download my profit and loss for my business financial manager. They use the numbers to calculate my self-employment taxes. It's a huge time savings and by the end of the year, I'm totally organized for tax season.

Piccole imprese (50 o meno dipendenti)
14 agosto 2022
Valutazione complessiva:
Avatar di Vivek V
Vivek V.
Responsabile Implementazione e Supporto Erp
"Soluzioni intelligenti per le imprese"
Cosa ti piace di più di FreshBooks?

Its working and smoothness is wow you can control and decide workflow for your customer journey that is the key which I liked the most

Cosa non ti piace di FreshBooks?

There is nothing to dislike very good and advanced application for business management

Quali problemi sta risolvendo FreshBooks e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

From inquiry to customer onboarding follow up , remainders automatic alerts everything which will automatically working after defining workflow

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