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Gestione semplificata delle attività
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Recensioni MeisterTask e dettagli sul prodotto

Panoramica di MeisterTask
Cos'è MeisterTask?

MeisterTask è uno strumento di gestione delle attività e dei progetti basato sul Web creato per la gestione agile dei progetti. È dotato di un'interfaccia utente dal design eccezionale, con funzionalità intuitive e integrazioni perfette con altri strumenti. La piattaforma è personalizzabile, con la possibilità di visualizzare i progetti seguendo le schede di progetto in stile Kanban e altre funzionalità chiave che aiutano a semplificare il processo di lavoro.

Azienda MeisterLabs GmbH
Anno di fondazione 2006
Dimensione aziendale dipendenti 51-200
LEGALE Monaco, Baviera, Germania
Media sociali
Categorie MeisterTask attive Findstack
Logo Crevio
$ 29.00 / mese
Crevio è una piattaforma che consente ai creatori di vendere prodotti digitali, servizi, corsi e accedere ad altre risorse di terze parti. Scopri di più su Crevio
Fai domande su MeisterTask
Per cosa è meglio MeisterTask?
Come si confronta MeisterTask con Canny?
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Dettagli del prodotto MeisterTask
Piccola impresa
Mercato medio
Distribuzione Cloud/SaaS/basato sul Web, Mac desktop, Windows desktop, Android mobile, iPad mobile, iPhone mobile
Assistenza 24 ore su 7, XNUMX giorni su XNUMX (rappresentante dal vivo), chat, e-mail/help desk, domande frequenti/forum, knowledge base, supporto telefonico
Formazione Documentazione
Le Lingue English
Caratteristiche di MeisterTask
Controlli di accesso / autorizzazioni
Strumenti di collaborazione
Commenti e feedback
Campi personalizzati
Modelli personalizzabili
Esporta/Importa idee
Categorizzazione delle idee
Raggruppamento di idee
Priorità delle idee
Classifica delle idee
Presentazione delle idee
Monitoraggio delle idee
Conduttura dell'innovazione
Monitoraggio KPI
Mappa mentale
Mobile Access
Notifiche in tempo reale
Reporting e Analytics
SWOT Analysis
Sondaggi / sondaggi
Trend Analysis
Ruoli utente e autorizzazioni
Votazione e valutazione
Gestione dei flussi di lavoro
MeisterTask Media
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La nostra ricerca è curata da diverse fonti autorevoli e intende offrire consigli generali. Non garantiamo che i nostri suggerimenti funzioneranno al meglio per ciascun caso d'uso, quindi considera le tue esigenze specifiche quando scegli prodotti e servizi. Sentiti libero di condividere il tuo feedback.
Ultimo aggiornamento: dicembre 04, 2024
Meister Task Logo
170 MeisterTask Recensioni
4.5 su 5
Mercato medio (51-1000 dipendenti)
Novembre 24, 2022
Valutazione complessiva:
avatar di Stefania L
Stefania L.
Generalista De Rr. Ah.
"Gestire e organizzare progetti, attività e realizzare un collegamento con tutti i dipendenti."
Cosa ti piace di più di MeisterTask?

It is an excellent tool for managing content and essential ideas, it allows us to tag our team in our tasks and assign various projects to specific people, see their performance and keep track of each project from start to finish.

Cosa non ti piace di MeisterTask?

It has provided us with good functions to improve our creation and management of projects, it gives us options to share files, create a Kanban board, analyze expenses, work hours and more; honestly, we have not had any inconvenience.

Quali problemi sta risolvendo MeisterTask e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

We have created a more flexible workflow, and we can share the projects with our marketing and human resources team and create work without interruptions to be in constant growth and reduce problems and tedious tasks.

Piccole imprese (50 o meno dipendenti)
Gennaio 10, 2022
Valutazione complessiva:
avatar di Rose B
Rose B.
Pr/professionista di social media freelance e scrittore
"Il mio task manager preferito"
Cosa ti piace di più di MeisterTask?

MeisterTask is really easy to just pick up and use. I love the colorful kanban style boards and the fact that I can have all of my most essential tasks placed on my main dashboard. It's also the prettiest task manager I've ever used. :)

Cosa non ti piace di MeisterTask?

There is nothing I have disliked so far.

Quali problemi sta risolvendo MeisterTask e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

I'm a freelancer, and MeisterTask has made it simple for me to track all the to-do's I have for each client.

Piccole imprese (50 o meno dipendenti)
Novembre 15, 2021
Valutazione complessiva:
Arun J.
"Potente strumento di gestione delle attività Kanban"
Cosa ti piace di più di MeisterTask?

Kanban task management style, very flexible, good for teams/collaboration, fantastic mobile apps. I was looking for a Trello alternative when I found this tool a year ago.

Cosa non ti piace di MeisterTask?

I like their Grant chart feature, but it's on the expensive membership tier. Would be nice if they had local pricing for other country users. Sometimes I type Task Meister instead of Meister Task and go to another website :P

Quali problemi sta risolvendo MeisterTask e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

Task management for my projects A fantastic tool to organize all my ideas Blogging calendar

Piccole imprese (50 o meno dipendenti)
Settembre 11, 2020
Valutazione complessiva:
Avatar di Lyonne D
Lyonne D.
Direttore PR e marketing
"La mia app preferita per la gestione delle attività"
Cosa ti piace di più di MeisterTask?

The best of MeisterTask is that it is simple with a beautiful interface that allows me to get the most out of my work and tasks. From being able to add as many members as I want to managing a workflow that is flexible and adjusts to everyone’s schedule, I think MeisterTask comes with functional and capable features that make things easier. When it comes to communicating with other team members, it comes with an intuitive and modern platform in which everyone can communicate, share tasks, files, and discuss things that are in relation to the project we’re working on.

Cosa non ti piace di MeisterTask?

I have not found any dislikes in this app yet and it continues to work perfectly.

Quali problemi sta risolvendo MeisterTask e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

From being unorganized to being extremely synchronized and delivering all of our deadlines in time, MeisterTask has succeeded in making us a very powerful team and helped us in improving the areas we were lacking in. The Kanban Boards have been of great help and its easy to identify all these projects with said boards located in a nice way in the app. We’re not a big team and still using MeisterTask has improved all our workflow methods and we are able to track tasks faster and finish things earlier.

Piccole imprese (50 o meno dipendenti)
Settembre 07, 2020
Valutazione complessiva:
Avatar di Kyle G
Kyle G.
Imprenditore e Consulente
"Lo uso per tutto"
Cosa ti piace di più di MeisterTask?

Powerful automations and repeatable checklists

Cosa non ti piace di MeisterTask?

No templates for tasks that come out of the box

Quali problemi sta risolvendo MeisterTask e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

Managing a lot of projects across a variety of topics

Piccole imprese (50 o meno dipendenti)
Luglio 28, 2020
Valutazione complessiva:
Avatar di Tyler D
Tyler D.
Rappresentante di vendita interno
"Fantastico prodotto!"
Cosa ti piace di più di MeisterTask?

The simple customization and ease of use.

Cosa non ti piace di MeisterTask?

The limitation on the number of projects on the free accounts. It used to be unlimited, but since has changed to only allow 3 projects.

Quali problemi sta risolvendo MeisterTask e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

Keeping organized is the biggest thing. Helping many people stay focused on what is important and seeing a task complete through from beginning to end and nothing gets missed along the way.

Piccole imprese (50 o meno dipendenti)
Luglio 13, 2020
Valutazione complessiva:
avatar di Valentin D
Valentin D.
Sviluppatore web freelance
"Soluzione Kanban pratica e pulita"
Cosa ti piace di più di MeisterTask?

I like the simplicity of the user interface yet rich in features! Everything is on the tips of your fingers and I can have a good understanding of the big picture at a glance when reviewing the whole board. Also the dashboard is really helpful when you need to focus on specific tasks between multiple projects.

Cosa non ti piace di MeisterTask?

I would have liked the free version to supprot multiple checlist on one card but I guess this is a just tradeoff.

Quali problemi sta risolvendo MeisterTask e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

Organizing long and multitask projects collaborating with other peers.

Piccole imprese (50 o meno dipendenti)
30 giugno 2020
Valutazione complessiva:
Kate B.
"MeisterTask è un'eccellente piattaforma per lavagne kanban"
Cosa ti piace di più di MeisterTask?

The UI is intuitive and easy to use. Setting up boards for project management is straightforward. I have used Trello and find MeisterTask to be easily as good.

Cosa non ti piace di MeisterTask?

There isn't anything I dislike. It is a clean interface and does what I need.

Quali problemi sta risolvendo MeisterTask e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

Planning complicated projects by separating into subject boards with tasks. It provides a good way to break big subjects into manageable pieces and gives a clear over view of progress.

Piccole imprese (50 o meno dipendenti)
26 giugno 2020
Valutazione complessiva:
Avatar di Giosuè RS
Giosuè RS
Tecnico Av
"Utilizzo MeisterTask per semplificare lo sviluppo del mio gioco"
Cosa ti piace di più di MeisterTask?

MeisterTask is very intuitive, the flow just feels right. I love that it syncs between the browser app and my phone app. I can be sitting on the thrown and have a task idea, write it down, and when I get back to my desk its waiting to be implemented. Using this app has breathed new life into my game development production flow.

Cosa non ti piace di MeisterTask?

No complaints! Really its great. I Highly recommend it.

Quali problemi sta risolvendo MeisterTask e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

MeisterTask helps me juggle all the ideas I have for my production. I used to get distracted with new ideas, and bounce back in forth trying to implement everything at once, but never really finishing anything completely. Now I can focus on one task at a time. And as new ideas pop into my head, I jump into MeisterTask, write them down, and then get back to focus on the task at hand.

Piccole imprese (50 o meno dipendenti)
19 giugno 2020
Valutazione complessiva:
avatar di Camilla H
Camilla H.
Responsabile del progetto
"Il mio braccio destro come project manager"
Cosa ti piace di più di MeisterTask?

The to do-list on the front page helps me get an overview of what I have left that day, and what is to do tomorrow. It is easy to change along the way, and the feeling of ticking the "complete"-box when a job is done, is delightful. And the beautiful pictures and layout makes me enjoying making projects and I always have it in view on my screen.

Cosa non ti piace di MeisterTask?

I would like the completed tasks to jump below the not completed tasks, or jump to a "completed"-bar.

Quali problemi sta risolvendo MeisterTask e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

To have control over the tasks that are due in the days to come. It is my memory so I don't have to remember it all.

Piccole imprese (50 o meno dipendenti)
07 Maggio 2020
Valutazione complessiva:
Avatar di Jason H
Jason H.
"Ottimo per aiutarti a sistemare la tua vita e le tue attività lavorative!"
Cosa ti piace di più di MeisterTask?

I like that it lets you customize your dashboard on the site and see your progress right from the main screen before you go into the project directly. I have convinced other people to use meistertask just by working with them and showing them how easily I could track the projects I was working on.

Cosa non ti piace di MeisterTask?

The price is a little bit higher than I like sometimes but its affordable for what it provides. I have noticed a couple of times that if someone moved a task from a project I did have access to, to one I did not, it would show a weird error message.

Quali problemi sta risolvendo MeisterTask e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

I am working as a consultant and tech for multiple companies that use meistertask. I also use it myself and it has allowed me to connect up projects to give me an overview to make sure I focus on the right tasks at the right time.

Azienda (> 1000 dip.)
07 Maggio 2020
Valutazione complessiva:
Avatar di Annabel M
Annabel M.
Redattore Unisabusiness
"Facile, facile da usare e adattabile"
Cosa ti piace di più di MeisterTask?

MeisterTask helps organize multiple tasks both within your remit and across teams. It’s so easy to add, assign and share jobs.

Cosa non ti piace di MeisterTask?

Sometimes the platform will not let you reorganize tasks to make the most important ones appear first.

Quali problemi sta risolvendo MeisterTask e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

Sharing multiple jobs across different team Members, group communication and project management. It helps me and our team stay on target without confusion, and has been especially valuable during covid-19.

Piccole imprese (50 o meno dipendenti)
07 Maggio 2020
Valutazione complessiva:
Avatar di Tyler F
Tyler F.
Investitore immobiliare
"Il compito di Meister è fantastico!"
Cosa ti piace di più di MeisterTask?

Keeps me on point to get stuff done. Plus great way to organize thoughts and ideas for projects.

Cosa non ti piace di MeisterTask?

I can't say there is much I dislike about Meister Task. There is a little learning curve to be able to take advantage of all the features.

Quali problemi sta risolvendo MeisterTask e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

We buy and sell homes and use it to keep up us on task for all the things involved. Also, like it for To-Do items and setting and achieving goals.

Piccole imprese (50 o meno dipendenti)
07 Maggio 2020
Valutazione complessiva:
Avatar di Jaffar C
Jaffar C.
Sviluppatore Java Script e Node Js
Cosa ti piace di più di MeisterTask?

design and usability and have no user limit

Cosa non ti piace di MeisterTask?

not able to integrate with github and gitlab

Quali problemi sta risolvendo MeisterTask e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

I can't delete columns and as I am from the beginning I can lose the automation

Piccole imprese (50 o meno dipendenti)
marzo 27, 2020
Valutazione complessiva:
Avatar di Emily H
Emily H.
Customer Success Responsabile
"Strumento di gestione delle attività preferito!"
Cosa ti piace di più di MeisterTask?

Kanban-style task management is great. As my day-to-day priorities change and shift, so can my tasks. I have always loved writing down tasks and checking them off, but utilizing Meistertask is a much more productive use of my time.

Cosa non ti piace di MeisterTask?

My only request is that I'd love to be able to set recurring tasks, similar to Wunderlist. When I complete the task, I check it off, and it gets shifted to another list or due date. You can also title each section whatever you'd like. I'd like it to be more intuitive. I typically title them by date or priority. I'm sure other people do the same, so it would be cool if it could recognize some often used titles.

Quali problemi sta risolvendo MeisterTask e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

I save a lot more time by utilizing MeisterTask rather than hardcopy checklists. It also helps to avoid allowing things to slip through the cracks.

Mercato medio (51-1000 dipendenti)
marzo 24, 2020
Valutazione complessiva:
avatar di Angela G
Angela G.
Senior Manager, team di progetti di sensibilizzazione
"Così versatile! Rende facile l'organizzazione!"
Cosa ti piace di più di MeisterTask?

This tool has made it so easy to get organized. It is very easy to learn and use. I have been able to customize all of my workflows to correspond with how the work is actually happening. I also keep a personal "To-Do" workflow that I customize and just have fun with. Having everything I need in one place has eased my stress level considerably.

Cosa non ti piace di MeisterTask?

The only option I think is missing from MeisterTask is the ability to shrink a Kanban board to fit the screen. Having to scroll across to see all of the columns can make things more challenging.

Quali problemi sta risolvendo MeisterTask e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

I have become much more organized. I can respond more quickly when there are questions related to a project and I can show others how the project is progressing. The visual aspect of MeisterTask makes it easier to communicate with others who are affiliated with a project. It is also so easy to assign work to others as well as to know when work is completed or a task is needed from me. I especially love that every step is tracked and time stamped. Overall, I am able to complete project more efficiently and with significantly less stress.

Piccole imprese (50 o meno dipendenti)
marzo 24, 2020
Valutazione complessiva:
Avatar di Ben S
Sono S.
"Incommensurabilmente prezioso per la produttività"
Cosa ti piace di più di MeisterTask?

The ease of use, the GUI and the functionality it provides. The app provides so much functionality that is unavailable on comparable software also I've found that the free version is incredibly generous with the functionality provided. I love how you can customise the columns, it feels like a nice place to work out of.

Cosa non ti piace di MeisterTask?

Some times it can be a little slow when you're dealing with a board with thousands of cards. Other than that it's incredibly user friendly and helpful as a productivity tool, there are so few negatives.

Quali problemi sta risolvendo MeisterTask e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

We're able to keep track of prospects for our business in a super detailed and organised fashion, it has solved a huge problem of keeping track of our business and sales process. We use the cards to track each prospect and use the columns Kanban style to move them through each stage of our sales process. We're also able to add due dates on to each one, write important notes and add checklists for each prospect also. Incredibly useful for managing prospects and tracking your sales funnels.

Piccole imprese (50 o meno dipendenti)
marzo 24, 2020
Valutazione complessiva:
Avatar di Cassandra S
Cassandra S.
Proprietario, Direttore
"Questo mi ha mantenuto sano di mente e organizzato"
Cosa ti piace di più di MeisterTask?

Being able to assign tasks to individuals in my house hold and separate by progress and due date has made all the difference in the world. Being able to drag and drop tasks is great

Cosa non ti piace di MeisterTask?

I would like to run administrator reports to see projects due under each individual but on the same page

Quali problemi sta risolvendo MeisterTask e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

I use a lot of software, trellis, process st and Asana but task MeisterTask is amazing. And visually the easiest.

Piccole imprese (50 o meno dipendenti)
marzo 24, 2020
Valutazione complessiva:
Romano. avatar
"Il mio partner perfetto per la gestione dei progetti"
Cosa ti piace di più di MeisterTask?

A like it's simplicity and availability on any platform. I run a lot of projects simultaneously and Meistertask makes it realy simple to have an overview on all of them. Inside each projects I set a lot of tasks and use Kanban to see the progress of each task, I track time for each task and I use time tracking for reports to my customers.

Cosa non ti piace di MeisterTask?

There si not much to dislike. Maybe the pricing for the Timeline (new Gannt chart like) feature. It looks awesome but I am not sure it is worth 12.5 € more per month. I am considering to upgrade to see if this is something that really helps to have a clear and better overview on our projects.

Quali problemi sta risolvendo MeisterTask e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

I use it mostly for Project management. I am co-owner of digital marketing agency. As a web developer I use it for projects, tasks and due dates. A also like to use time tracking for myself. In the future we plan to use it for task assignment with all my colleagues. For a project like building a online store I use tasks and Kanban and track all of the tasks to see if I am in the timeframe as planned. Inside tasks I use checklists to have all tasks structured as good as possible.

Piccole imprese (50 o meno dipendenti)
marzo 24, 2020
Valutazione complessiva:
Avatar di Michael C
Michael C.
"Eccellente gestione delle attività per piccoli team"
Cosa ti piace di più di MeisterTask?

The simple, esay-to-navigate UI and ease-of-use of the app is a huge plus. The native desktop versions mean I don't always need a web browser open and it's super-quick to learn and start boosting productivity. Drag and drop to new columns is great and being able to set due dates and assign tasks is invaluable. Colour palette is kept to a minimum making navigating and working with tasks a more pleasant experience. There is little clutter in the app; nice icon set and the app design is consistent throughout. Being able to keep comments within the app is good, it means that email threads are cut down to a minimum and all communication can be kept in one place. Instant notifications are great as you can know straight away of a change to a task or if a task has been assigned to you. Being able to tap your avatar and only your tasks appear on the Kanban board is a nice touch, again getting rid of the clutter and helping you focus.

Cosa non ti piace di MeisterTask?

That timeline isn't available on the free version. Would be nice to have even a stripped-down version of this!

Quali problemi sta risolvendo MeisterTask e in che modo ciò ti avvantaggia?

As a designer, Meistertask helps massively. Clients can post requests into a project, I get notified and get started all with a few clicks/taps. This means a smoother workflow, higher productivity and quicker turnaround for clients.